
It's still alive because of John Pasemenn, not the posts.

And a little bit of help from you. But, seriously dragging this subject out here is getting you exactly nowhere close to a resolution of your problem. You have a problem with John Paseman and the way he does business, then deal with it. MOPARTS is not a court of law, although it is in some respect a court of public opinion, and perseveration on this subject here does nothing except raise some blood pressure.

You want to fix it? Deal with it in a court of law in North Carolina. File a complaint, a grievance, a lawsuit - small claims, class action, whatever you want.

I don't know Mr. Paseman, I've never had any dealings with him. Some on this forum have, and to varying degrees of success - that's life. I suspect he's not going to engage in any discussion, on this forum, precisely because he doesn't have to.

You've made your point, kicked up some sand, now it's time to get to N.C. and do something about it