Ok playing devils advocate isnt the real point here being missed, and that is that we only have one side of the story. So I find it interesting that some are solidly planting their feet in the ground and taking sides on this issue when we don't know if one or the other party is right in this situation or if neither is right. Sometimes parties just do not see eye to eye. Also we seem to be attacking each other in this post depending on the side taken. I dont think it is wrong of someone who may know one party or the other to say, hey I am familar with this person and believe they did the right thing. I would certainly speak up on behalf of my friends if I thought something I heard about them was out of character, however, I would also let them know what I heard so they might clear the air. However, again you never know until you walk in someone's shoes. So I have a sneaking feeling both parties may not have seen eye to eye on something. And considering there were supposedly 50 other victims out there, why have we not heard from any of them? Also how does the OP explain the email offering money back? The initial post said they were to work out a "alternate" deal and just wondering why the money was not taken or am I missing something, was the intent to get the money back or the trim ring?