

Last week I called U.S. Car Tool's Shop and got though!
Spoke with Charlene, and she said to Email her the refund inforamation. I called back today @ 11:30 AM and asked her about the status. She tolled me she spoke to John Pasemann about it and he said thats not this company.

Also I have been contacted by another person that this has happen to.
That makes 3 who are still owed and 2 that have been reinbursed.

And still no word from John?

News like this makes me more determined then ever to get everyones money back!


I personally will not be ordering anything from U.S. Car Tool until I have heard that this has been resolved. I can not believe they have made no attempt to offer at least a credit if the funds are not available to reimburse you guys. For this post to be active as long as it has with no response from the company to try to maintain it's reputation or display professionalism blows my mind. The waiting continues I guess. Sorry to see this continue for all...