Goes to show you that sometimes everything is not as it seems. I bought several items from U.S. Car Tool. Good parts great service but if the OP never brought this to our attention we would'nt have known. Has it happened before ? Don't know ... I'm surprised at what people will take as a loss because it becomes TOO much hassle to get your money back. This just makes it easier to let this happen again.
No matter what amount of money is due. HE IS DUE THE FULL AMOUNT!!! At the very least the customer deserves communication ..... especially on something like this.
The OP sounds like he has tried everything and U.S. Ccar Tool is trying to ignore. I applaud him for posting and putting up with all the hassle and scrutiny associated with going up against an established business. He did the right thing posting on here and wherever else he feels the need to. On something like this these forums (especially Moparts) are like having your day in court. Unfortunately US Car Tool hasn't shown up.