
Might as well add my two cents..

Bottom line is its his car and he can and do what he wants with it..


There have been some good points opposing that idea. I as well as some others feel the car should have been left alone and money spent elsewhere to achieve what the owner wants out of owning a Mopar.

It is far more than "just a car".. 40 years ago, sure, not now. It is part of a history that is quickly going away and fewer and fewer real examples are left, especially this rare.

But, the bottom line its his car to do what he wants to make him happy..

Oh, did I tell you my family tree goes back to the civil war and we have personal written letters from Gen Lee to the soldiers of the war. However, it was really cold last night up here in the east and we needed some paper to start up the fireplace.. needless to say the letters are all gone.. but what the heck, they were just old pieces of paper.. and by the way 15th century furniture wood really burns for a long time.. So long I had to smother the fire out with an old native American blanket that my old dog use to have before I could go to bed.

In the grand scheme of life it's still just a car, just like an antique wood chair or old papers are just something to burn if you don't want to freeze to death.

In life people do what ever they choose to or need too as long as their not breaking the law or hurting another person there's not much anyone can or should do.

It's a 1 of 2 built because no one wanted that combination back in 1967.
Because no one ordered many that way means that the owner for 43 years loses his right to do what he wants with the car?

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol