John, on the car; what I find odd and maybe this doesn't apply to this car is I thought a "factory race car" was a bare minimum car from the factory WITHOUT undercoating or sound deadening, etc., but the photos clearly show the rear wheel wells with what appears to be.... .......then again maybe that's rubber from the M&H slicks

Oh, and that 43 miles a quarter mile at a time has to be at least a little over a 1/2 to 3/4 miles at a time.......a quarter mile up, slow down distance, a quarter mile back and getting back to the pits and back to the start has to be way more than a 1/4 mile...yuk, yuk, All that odo tells anyone is that's when the cable was disconnected

I need to come up with a nicer nickname for the guy, I don't wish him any ill will, just used that because of the tone of most of the thread by some (I'm on his side, btw his car etc). He's really like most of us, he's probably been wanting to do that for many, many years (I think I read that) and procrastinated just like most of us about doing in it; DAMHIK guilty.
