I don't really go for the "it's his car to do as he pleases" because people are stupid and ignorant and love to They destroy cars that have history and rarity. When you can profit from a car that someone else will do the right thing with it, why not? Take the money go to Arizona and find a nice 318 car and do as you please. Look at what Joel did with his current F.A.S.T car, replaced the rare one with a base model and race it and enjoy it.
To me it's common sense to do that and probably cheaper in the long run.

Besides who puts a 9 inch in when you have a Dana?

Besides I have a 318 Satellite that I'm making the way I would have ordered a Road Runner had I been alive then.

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An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry. Thomas Jefferson