

I remember 2 years ago when I thought the end was getting here quicker than I wanted, I thought I was about to die because of a tumor they found in me.
At that specific moment I remember being with my dad for the last few months he had when he was dieing of Cancer in 2000. At that time I could not fathom what his thoughts were and the decisions he was making made no sense to me at the time. He did what he wanted and when he wanted to do it.
So when it happened to me I started to understand that this was it and if I wanted something or to do something I better get it done and I too didn't care what anyone would think..... It is an awful feeling to have and to go through. If the owner wants to do it to his car, so be it, let him, you will have your chance to mirror his feelings and thoughts someday and you will reflect back and do your thing.....

Could not have stated it better myself.
Ones' whole perpective on life changes and material things mean nothing anymore.
Although my health is stable, I think about it every day.

....Life is a little too short at times for some, best to enjoy what time you have.....rather than getting all "wadded" up about matters,...that really don't matter at all,....like this thread about this old forgotten car,...the only person that should care what happens to this car, is the current owner, it's his to do as he pleases, to he11 with what others think he should/shouldn't do to/with it