
I bought my little boy a limited production diecast car when he was younger and paid good money for it and when I gave it to him I told him he needed to be very careful with it. It was hard to find but he was the one that saw a photo of it and wanted it. Usually I put them away in a safe place or display them on a shelf too high for him to get to when they are rare or cost more than an average diecast but he wanted it and he only got it with the exception that his next report card was a good one. He made the Honor Roll with all A's and one B so he earned it. Sure enough I came home from work one evening and he was still on the computer with the Photoshop program still making more decals and artwork to decorate his rare diecast car just the way he like it At first I was going to go off on him with......well with all of the stupid comments in this thread about how rare and how much it WAS worth and........but when he turned to me with this big smile and said "Hey dad look at how nice my car is now, just the way I wanted it to be" that was worth more than that piece of metal would ever be worth by a million.

He didn't burn his fingers, he didn't light up a cigarette, he didn't hurt anyone, he just did what made him happy. I have a bunch of diecast cars just sitting in boxes or on shelves not doing anything but collecting dust, my kid has a diecast car that he still enjoys the heck out of and "It's pretty cool, eh dad?".


Best post I've read in quite a while. Puts a new perspective on things...