Nice story, but irrelevant. Now, if you gave your kid an original vw bus, or 68 charger in the blister pack that you had kept for 40 years and he ripped it open and did the same thing would anything change?
Sure you could buy another because there are hundreds, if not thousands floating around.
Could you put it back in the package, sure, although it really would never be the same.
This discussion could go on forever with any number of variables. To remain pure to the point the owner modified a low mileage piece of automotive history.
Some feel it was negligent, others feel fine with it.
No big problem and nothing will change the thoughts of those that posted here.
I'm sure there are numbers of others that have read the thread that refrain from posting their feelings, or, care less what some guy did to his car.
Personally, I feel it's a shame.