Umm.......Arent these transmissions supposed to take like 600 HP in top form? ( I know there are different "levels")

Anyone here have a 600 HP small block that shifts BELOW 6000?

I know some people swear by these transmissions and the other half that have them hate them,(or hate the fitment rather) but I dont beleive that these transmissions are designed for anything but street cruising......

If 6000 rpm was the LIMIT, wouldnt they post that in their advertising? ( yeah there is a bit of sarcasm there)

Interesting though, I was thinking about putting a summit hyd clutch set up in my car, but after hearing your problems, I dunno if hyd is the way to go......

I feel for ya man, youve got more in your trans that Ive got in my car. Big chunk of change to loose.

I used to care but....... things have changed