Luxury items? Inconvenience? I decide what is luxury and necessity for myself. Do you have any idea of the economic, quality of life and social impact of all of this intentional destruction of millions of lives? And not because they got sick, but because the governors decided to make them stop doing what they've always done?

Not going to go away? A race track? A race shop? They aren't flush with cash to be able to sit around playing pocket pool for a year. It ain't Sheetz, there isn't one on every corner. You think they can just sit dormant and be turned back on just like that? After someone has spent decades keeping it going hand to mouth because they're too hardheaded to do anything else? Shutdown at the whim of a Governor who's likely getting bogus information from some expert with his own agenda??

Not just drag racing, but NASCAR, football, baseball and any other spectator activity? Churches, concerts, flea markets, shows. This has been all I've done for 45 years and it is in danger of being no longer viable if these tracks close for good - if people can't or won't spend money to do it. These race tracks and shops aren't GM or Amazon. Most live hand to mouth and are kept going because the people running them love it. To my mind the threat of trashing so much of what we've come to assume would always be here is far greater than this illness could ever be.

I've been "laying low" for a while, doing all the masks and social distancing that they asked, waiting for common sense to prevail. And 2 months into it, it doesn't appear to be anywhere close to being the threat to humanity that we were told it was. Not even close. You think when we get the all clear, a business owner or track operator can just unlock the gate, flip the switch and pick up where they left off? Maybe they could have if the shutdown had been short until we saw that the numbers weren't what they had predicted. But at some point, that can't be done. We are fast approaching that point. Especially for seasonal businesses that are slaves to the weather and have to make their money over a limited number of weekends a year.

You don't want to go? Fine. I never try to tell people what to do. But the small risk is acceptable to me and a lot of others.

Last edited by CMcAllister; 05/11/20 04:07 PM.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.