Originally Posted by srt
Originally Posted by DaveRS23
......... rural areas without much infection should never have been locked-down and should be re-opened ... NOW ... not incrementally.

How do the logistics work?
Will sheriff or militia block the roads to keep out-of-towners/staters out?
I read Georgia is having that problem now, with fears of bringing/distributing hosts.

There are no logistics to work out. From day one, many of our local sheriffs, mayors, and police chiefs have went on record as saying that they will not prosecute lock down violations. Some saying that they believe that the Executive Orders are unconstitutional. In fact, there have been a number of social media posts by some socialist spies that complain that their reports to the authorities about violations of the stay-at-home orders were met with 'mind your own business'.

Many businesses are open. The ones that have been closed are the ones that hold a state license of some sort and then there are the national chain stores that have some weird access requirements.

Our town straddles the interstate so we see more than our share of travelers. To date, in our entire county there have been 9 reported cases of the virus. 5 have recovered and there have been no deaths.

No matter how you slice it, bankrupting some of our local businesses over this is absolutely asinine.

Master, again and still