Carry on with your babble, some people just cant be reasoned with or reached.

My recess/vacation was a reference to one of your fav ladies in gov who just returned. She tried to make it sound as it wasnt just that with some bs phrase vs vacation. DA. as in DA, not Dumb A... so dont take offense.

Originally Posted by jcc
Putting one's head anywhere is likely why we are in this current predicament.

The rest of your assumption is very subjective and screams PC as seen thru your eyes, understand others should have the option to disagree, and "sticks and stones may break................." still holds true.

Seems to me, these objections often arise when exerting self control is achieved by others, in that they see sharing a differing thought cannot be done with out clearly resorting to violating "rules", and they get frustrated when others can stay within the lines.

Chances are, anybody on this site that takes a vacation, will return to "RIP" threads of some members here.

This topic is about life and death of people, let me thickly veil this , not s....s, w...s, t.....s, R.........s, D..........s, etc.