Originally Posted by Jer
And while we're at it, let's bring the Great And Wonderful Dr Fauci to the forefront with his latest proclamation:

"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading infectious disease expert on President Donald Trump's coronavirus task force, said he was "really confident" that people who recover from the novel coronavirus gain immunity against reinfection." (per Newsweek, The Hill and Business Insider, to be fair to both L and R).

Wait, so masks, staying home, self-quarantine, forcing businesses to close, crashing the economy, putting 33+ million people out of work, government, business and personal bankruptcies, stress, depression and the like were the EXACT wrong things to do? You mean....we should have just continued on in our daily ways, like we did in December and January and February when CV19 WAS an issue.... and treated it like the flu, like our local doctors did.... and stayed home when we were sick with what we thought was the flu....

So......"herd immunity" WAS the correct path all along.....

No, unless having more deaths was the goal and acceptable. I am not convinced and see no proof we can claim "mission accomplished", yet

But then we could have had an executive order that required all citizens to start a regime of hydroxychloroquine while we are looking back on things when, "what have you got to lose" thinking was in vogue.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.