Been saying it for weeks, this is a metabolic issue.

NYU study with 4k patient hospitalizations the past month, number 1 issue with positive Covid patients requiring hospitalization, Obesity:

UK does big study on ICU patients, same conclusion:

Commentary from that article by one of the doctors: What is staggering is after looking at all the data it is irrefutable that metabolic disease is the leading cause of mortality from Covid-19. This covers much of what we are already being told, that outcomes for patients suffering from Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure are far worse than in otherwise healthy adults. What is not being spelled out is that poor diet and obesity is behind this.

We just had our entire country shut down because a virus exploits people with metabolic disease from overeating. The good news, you can control this and build your resilience so it's not a serious issue for you going forward.