


I'd just replace the sprag since you removed it. Those are only like $15 I believe. I wouldn't waste the $100 on a bolt-in.

Almost correct here .

First off you should have NOT removed the sparg unless it was loose in the case or the outer race was damaged. It's junk now throw it in the scrap pile.

Buying the standard bolt in is a waste of money as it does nothing to prevent the rollers from laying over, and now that you have driven out a perfectly good sprag putting in a stock press in isn't going to be as strong as the factory unit. Call Cope, or Coan, and buy the SUPER/Ultimate Sprag.... yes it's $200ish ..., it has more rollers and can't roll over and it's a bolt in. I suggest this one because I'm sure you aren't going to put a Billet front drum ... over $500 ... in it which is more expensive than the Super Sprag .

Everyone here said to buy Monroe's manual and follow it to the letter. He says to knock the sprag out and inspect it. This is a $200 mistake???

What solvent? What lube? Glass bead blasting?

I have Monroe's manual , but I get bored reading so I just look at the pictures . One doesn't need to remove it to inspect it.

As far as the $200 mistake , how much is your feet or the car really worth? The $200 is the cheapest way to make the trans safer. In a street car I would put in the super/ultimate sprag , you won't make it fail so the drum will never overspeed , if your were building an 800HP tire shredding monster then the sprag and the drum.

As far as the lube , transtar has nice lube that isn't too expensive.

I clean everything with brake wash , lay out a large white cloth and completely disassemble the valve body , lay each valve and spring out as they come out of the bores, clean each one individually and clean both valve body halves , there will be sludge in it .