People simply need to be realistic, if you’re interested in maximum effort power levels you won’t be doing that with oem designs, if oem designs outweigh your desire to achieve maximum effort, so be it. There is a place for all of us.

I would be all about going to the next level with Chrysler compatible parts, don’t really give a damn what they look like, it’s all about $ per HP and longevity. If Chrysler oriented racers are going to see evolution with technology, the gouging has to stop – why the hell would I or anyone else who is somewhat financially savvy want to spend over 40K for 1300 hp on a naturally aspirated bracket piece when you can buy two GM foundations that make the same power for the price of one in Chrysler clothing? I have pride…..I just don’t have ego.

I don’t need a lecture on economic, marketing or business practices – I get it……

However, to turn this market around for Chrysler enthusiasts; a solid, financially stable entity needs to come to the table with “volume of sales” as the objective for profit and not simply “percentage of margin per transaction”…..any loyalist with deep pockets out there want to change history?

I’m sure it would be a bumpy ride on the front half, but the market is there for sustainability…..Indy has already proven that.

I don’t know Dan, or what his thoughts are, but if you’re on our team….don’t discourage him.