
The way i see it is the mopar crowd that is the problem. every time a new product comes out or is even thought of it has to go through the usual bullcrap from the mopar masses. I have ford and chevy friends and never not ONE time have i heard them complain that their new product looks like the last one, all they care about is function of the product. most of the parts on their cars were produced by an aftermarket company and they do not complain. i am surprised a mopar supplier can accomplish anything with all the bs. how does mopar even come out with a newly designed car since it looks nothing like what is already out there on the street. heck it cant be a mopar if it looks totally different. all i heard when the new charger came out is how ugly they are and they shouldnt be called a mopar. i heard it all weekend at the mopar nats that first year they were out. i got so sick of hearing it and i actually like them 4 doors and all. even though now they are accepted by most they had to go through the same bs. i say if you can afford to make anything mopar better or faster than by all means go ahead and do not listen to the whiny mopar stiffs who cannot accept change and just leave them be. I am die hard mopar but i am willing to accept change because its the only way to improve.

1000%.... a LOT of these guys are still living
in the 60s.. I'll take anything that will help go fast...
hell I have chevy rods in all my stuff... granted
when the Ram truck first came out I didnt care for
it but look at it now... truck of the year 2 times
in a row