


Naturally any engine combo like that wouldn't be cheap, so I realize that probably eliminates 98% of the people on Moparts.

Man I get weary of the cheapshots anymore. Seems like half the "online machinist" here act like they work for nasa and your a good for nothing purist poor boy if you dont patron them.

I think it's a shame you feel that way. Judging by the responses so far, some people get it and some obviously don't. I realize most people here are bracket racers and have no interest in actually competing in the faster classes whether it be for fear or money limitations.
I'm not going to cast engine blocks and I refuse to pay Mopar a licensing fee just to put their name on a block or heads. As a group we constantly use chevy size rods, reverse flow setups using chevy water pumps, etc. etc. etc.
selling to the Mopar crowd only is a losing proposition and it's been proven time and time again. Koleno is out of business, World is basically done with mopar, Dart has no interest in casting a Mopar block and the list goes on and on. Indy has much of the market cornered with stuff that'll get you in the 1100-1200 HP range after you fix all the problems. Ritter can't seem to make a block that's useable without having a boat load of dough by the time you make it useable, if that's even possible.
Obviously I don't work for NASA, but I do have the drive and the means to build something different than what is currently on the market for Big cubic inch horsepower. I'm not interested in using a big chief, "99" heads, Thor or any of the current offerings for cylinder heads. Thats been done already. I'm not looking to be a copy cat. I do appreciate the replies so far but I have to admit it's pretty much what I expected.

Dan,I know it won't mean much by just me saying it....but I Appreciate and "Salute You" Sir for trying to help your fellow Mopar Racers out!

"To Be The Man'You Have Got To Beat The Man" "T/D and Pro-Bracket Racer"