
Naturally any engine combo like that wouldn't be cheap, so I realize that probably eliminates 98% of the people on Moparts.

This being Dans own opinion,I ask why ask for the poll in the first place?This has turned out to be a lesson in futility and is far removed from anyones imput being even considered.If he is planning on entering the market,then we wish him the best of luck.
It did make for interesting conversation and a host of ideas and opinions but in the end the only persons idea he is interested is his own.That the cost eliminates 98% of the people on Moparts speaks volumes about Dans opinion of many here on Moparts which I strongly disagree.
If he would take this to other sites that deal strickly with this type of engine,I think the results would be similar.

I probably should've chosen my words a little bit better so as to not give the wrong impression, let me explain. 98% of the people on Moparts are bracket racers or street strip guys. I seriously doubt anyone running brackets or street strip cars is going to spring for the kind of coin it would take to buy what I'm proposing. It has nothing to do with the size of their bank account and everything to do with their needs and desires. 98% simply don't need or desire a billet block with 5+ inch bore spacing. That doesn't mean some of those very same people wouldn't have valuable opinions regarding the subject though. In case you didn't notice, there happens to be some pretty smart people that hang out around here. If I didn't want any input or opinions other than my own I wouldn't have posted it here in the first place.

machine shop owner and engine builder