Cudaman, I'm a diehard like you but your argument lacks weight in the area of resolve. Your argument doesn't solve the design flaws in current Mopar configurations. Its doesn't aid in finding options for Mopar racers that want to advance past 40year old technology. As a person working on designing a new cylinder head, there are many flaws in the wedge design that you simply cannot use when you want to make over 2.5HP/ci. Improving and building upon these flaws is how we advance and sometimes the flaws are such that its more beneficial to start with a clean sheet. I for one go so upset of over not having any options I took upon myself to do my own canted head design and start the legwork for it. That design looks nothing like a Mopar head due to current OEM constraints, you can achieve much more by moving the configuration around and that is the innovation of design. Finding ways to better what was done in the past and having the guts to purpose design something brand new for the mopar faithful. You don't have to walk in the footsteps of the past to advance a design, your learn from what was done and use that to create something new purpose built for use with a mopar product.

I give much props to anyone willing to think outside the box and progress mopar technology. I sure plan to as I'm given the opportunity.

Last edited by Adrielp; 12/07/13 02:05 AM.

Adriel Paradise
Substation Design Engineer III