
I still think most people can't see the forest for the trees. This isn't about whether Force should have done what he did in Funnycar in it's state. I would have, as that's what the current state of FC dictates. The question should be why is FC in the kind of state that would allow/encourage this in the first place?

The answer is that NHRA isn't about grass roots racing anymore at all. It's now a big money, corporate marketing business. I have to agree that in it's current form, Force made the right choice, just as Hulk Hogan made the right choice when he gave up his imaginary championship belt to the guy that Vince McMann wanted to have it

if the NHRA had not started this stupid chase crap we wouldn't even be talking about this. the car that goes the most rounds over the year should be champ not this crap they dreamed up.