Today's BIG money changes everything...there isn't ONE sport today that's "the same" as it was in the old days, right? Motorsports and Drag Racing are no different.

I don't agree with taking a dive. If Robert was going to get in, he should have done it on performance; not by the luck of racing another team car who was in that position.

The REALLY SAD part is that if Robert and Prock race their hearts out and win the Championship, it will be forever tainted.

I'm glad I wasn't Force about the hot seat.

But I also don't agree with T-Ped running his mouth when no one asked. If Cruz would have performed better this year, he wouldn't have needed a break by Robert not getting it done. He can't WHINE about Force having 4 cars, either. It's within the rules. I know he's the little guy and having money problems, but IF...IF IF IF he was as good at putting together the deals that Force has, he'd have 4 cars in a hot minute. Wha, wha, wha...

Of course Dunn was right. Force knows the deal about dives...there was NO WAY they were going to give NHRA anything to see. He's too savvy for that.

I also hope John is fined BIG for putting his hands on the NHRA guy during the "discussion" with Tony.

Meanwhile, CONGRATS to Ashley, Guido and the team for a well deserved FC win at INDY!!