

Still cheating no matter how you look at it,thats one of the biggest problems with this country cheating is accepted, win at any cost no matter what,really sad thing to be teaching our kids that follow racing.. I hope Tony wins the championship and sticks the "wally" right up Forces behind...

Trying to win using illegal parts, fuels or tuneups is cheating. There is nothing in the rule book, that I'm aware of, that says you can't leave the starting line late or drive out of the groove. You criers are nothing but thinly disguised Force bashers.

Regardless of whether Force threw the race or not, people still want to feel that someone actually earns their championship by actually winning the race fair and square, not have it handed to them by a team mate for the sake of continued sponsorship money. To the racer the sponsors are their life blood, but to the fans they are just an annoying advert cluttering up the side of the car.

Sponsors may pay the bills but only because there's butts on seats to watch those flying billboards, and when those seats are empty, goodbye $$$$. Tick off enough fans by even implying that there's cheating going on and watch the TV ratings drop and the stands empty.

Yea, Tony might have benefited from John throwing a race when he was on John's team, and now it's coming back to bite him. Cause if Tony has benefited in the past, and I suspect so, he has no room to talk - he knows the inside games as well as anyone. Don't play that game in the first place, and then maybe you can say something...but glass houses and stone throwers....