As much as I dislike what happened, and that it emphasises so much of what I dislike about Pro racing, there are still so many qualities about JF that I admire. The guy is a good family man, takes care of his family and his freinds, and has not forgot his roots.

I think it stinks to high heaven. I thought it stank before, I would like to think that I would not sell out my integrity like that. But, I understand the thought process.

Cruz also put himself in a bad way....he could have put himself into a position where one extra round for Hight wouldn't make a difference.

But, it's over, and it is time for all to move on. Just don't look for NHRA to get any of my money anytime soon.

"Old age and treachery trumps youth and enthusiasm, every time!"

East Central Director / Chrysler Power Magazine