It is what it is, if you like it watch it.
If you don't like it, don't watch it.
This is how the NHRA show runs. As for Dragracing,
there are many different groups, bodies, clubs,
and NHRA just so happens to be the big one. I hate
the '1000 ft B.S. but I still watch it. We all
love dragracing, but we all love different kinds
of it. I think some sportsman racing is boring
but others would rather watch that than the pros.

I have to say, John sure did a bad job at taking
a dive. And Cruz and Tony say it how they see it.
In the end ESPN 2 we all love it or hate it.

If Tony thinks him and Cruz are the small guys,
maybe they should go over to IHRA. It's just that
no one watches IHRA and the live TV is on NHRA.

Wonder what is next? who is the next racer to

WWE? forget that! Real fights are over here.

Snap your neck, mega G-force launch, is all I want!