
Wayne/Big Squeeze

You couldnt be more wrong!!! Bob K is one of the finest people I have ever met! He would NEVER disrespect anybody customers or not. IMHO I dont think there are many people that have done as much for us Big Block mopar people as Bob has! Ever read a Direct Connection/Mopar Performance engine manuel way back in the late 70's /80's?(Sorry Bob not poking at your age) Guess who did much of the testing on the Mopar camshafts, that would be Bob, have you read any of the 13second/12/second/11 second packages in the DC manuels? Guess who did the testing? Thats right that would be Bob. I know we've talked at a Fast/purestock race before so you have been there how many of the guys do you think hes helped there? Most of the Mopar people in both Fast and Purestock either with suspention or engine sugestions when asked! Do you know how many Tune-ups, carb adjustments/rebuilds, timming adjustments hes done at the race setting aside his own car to help somebody else? More than I can count! Do you know how many people hes walked throught a carb rebuild or dist recurve, or even degreeing a camshaft on the phone???? More than I can count! Do you know how many housecalls hes made in the Detroit area helping somebody whos having an issue with a Mopar? More than you would believe!

Wayne, when somebody purchases a cam from Bob he gives suggestions on where he thinks cam should be installed (degreeing), lifter preload amount, timming sugestions, dist recurving and rate of advance. and even jetting sugestions, does comp cams, engle, crane,crower, or any of the other cam manufactures go this far? Can you blame him for not wanting to publish his specks on the net so guys can try to duplacate his cam for 39.95 and just remember this cam has been installed and track tested from 10deg advanced to 10 deg retarded and with numerious diffrent timming curves. Remember, Track tested, not just a suggestion or guess that came off desktop dyno or engine analsys program, its not a guess,cold hard numbers and ET slips, not B.S or I think I can come up with a good guess!

Most of if not all of the 12 second 440's running in purestock are running Bobs cam many are on this board, that speaks VOLUMES!!!

When you make a comment like the one above you should know the man first!!!

..........Paul M Petcou

Spellings a mess sorry, oh yes I'm the guy that was walked through a cam degreeing over the phone once upon a time,and yes he taught me the specks through the degree wheel and dial indacator!Thanks Bob


You are so correct, the guy is an asset to the hobby and a genuine nice guy. Having the opportunity to meet Bob in person, after numerous friendly phone conversations in the past, you are correct he honestly wants to help people with their projects and does so without attitude.
