Originally Posted By MR_P_BODY
Originally Posted By madscientist
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
You had run this crank, this block, these rods, at these clearances, with thicker oil and likely same type filter in the past with no issues. So WHAT changed. You heavily modded the oil passages, but you did a lot of what is standard procedure on many small block builds, so that shouldn't be an issue, unless it is broken through somewhere you aren't seeing. Now you say the rear cap is broken. That could have happened first, or as a result. If it broke first, would be a problem and usually a broken crank does that. Crank MAY be broke, will have to Mag it to see, IF you even care. If crank is broken, my GUESS would be the root of the problems...........but sometimes shizzit just happens and you never really know what happened first. If you are confident the machine work was right, your mods were sound, the clearances were right, it was assembled correctly and it just broke. Accept it for what it is, a bad break and move on. Don't let it make you question what you did or how you did it. We all want to say "this did it".......well sometimes you just don't know. So don't pin it on oil, filter, or anything else, unless you KNOW. If you have built several and then you break one, doesn't mean you don't know what you are doing or even did something wrong. Just keep on keeping on and file it as "bad break". It's happened to about everybody

Agree with all of this except the last sentence. If you build engines for a living, or even do it as a hobby and say you never broke an engine, you either are lying about how many you built or how many you broke.

EVERYBODY has broken an engine along the way. Or poked a hole in a head while porting. Everybody.

I believe most of us have had a issue at one time
or another.. but it seems on this board that everyone
is perfect and NEVER had ANY issues with ANYTHING..
as Dave has posted I did too with my issues.. only to
get CRAP from a few.. looks like we should never post
about things that dont work out right... and of course
they probably NEVER built ANYTHING THEIR SELF but will
[censored] about others

. If you post be prepared for all the replies, good and bad.