
How about we adopt a new unofficial rule on this forum. If you are going to post and offer advice (or opinions) to another individual, you have to disclose who you are and what you do. Something tells me that will eliminate about 65% of those who come here looking to argue their opinions. On the flip side I can certainly understand why some choose to remain anonymous. It must be extremely embarrassing to have the other forum members recognize those (anonymous members) who can't understand plain English or follow a simple thought process. Not to mention the ones who can't substantiate their original points or prove their ridiculous observations or continue to flip flop their positions when confronted or......

This is really a funny post, based on your past performances.

Didn't they have to change the edit feature because of you going back and changing stuff to be "right"?

I bet you wish you could now, seeing as that you have been given enough rope to hang yourself.