
Your buddy doesn't need our advise according to you, yet he came on here and asked.

Your ability to read between the lines is without equal! I have looked high and low throughout this thread trying to find where he asked for advice (as you keep claiming) on what to do with the 70 grills. I can only find where he “polled” for interest in 71 style grills and asked someone a rhetorical question of what they thought the price should be for a 70 grill. I can’t seem to locate anything where he asked what he should do with left over inventory items. Would you mind humoring my obvious oversight, by referencing the post(s) where he asked advice on what he should do with the 70 grills? Substantiating comments with facts does wonders for someone’s credibility.

**I would hope that Mike Ross is considered a "buddy" to everyone in this hobby. His efforts are beneficial to all who are involved. Thanks Mike!**