
Notce how all the Premier made grilles sold out despite the lack of quality and it wasn't that much cheaper than your target price.

Yeah but their investment to make a resin cast part wasn't even on the same planet..They needed to sell what five? to break even? & if they sold fifteen the mold was failing so what little quality they once had was gone.... I'd love to see Mike do 71 grilles at his typical quality level...But I'd also like to see him be able to turn a profit cause in the end thats what he makes parts for...Don't get me wrong Mike has the love for these cars but if he can't at least come close to making a profit then he's wiser to look elsewhere...

On the other side Mike has 71 Cuda's also so his commitment to this project could be easily biased.... Good luck to those who own 71's... I wouldn't wanna bet either way...