
I noticed you do not list some of the grill parts individually.

I am not beefing with you but why does nobody sell parts seperate. I need 1 turn signal lens for a 70 Barracuda, I also need 1 turn signal lens for a 74.

I'm Sorry, but I do understand the need, sometimes for individual pcs,.....I get those requests "ocassionialy".......but regarding lenses, wouldn't you want a matching set, in regards to texture, tint, clarity, etc?.....what happens when a "vendor" decides to help you out and breaks up a set, and now it dosen't quite match up to the other, or makes your original pale in comparison,......then your on the phone/net looking for it's "mate"?.....I could understand a fender, or grille pc that gets painted, or plated, etc......but lenses?

I see your point. The lenses were just an example but it can be applied across the board. Chrome trim, weather striping, tape stripe kits, etc. Some items even require paint before install like door hinges and are usually sold only in sets.

Often only one part gets damaged from accidents or ordinary use and needs replacing. In my case I have daily drivers and if they are in an accident like the 74 turn signal lens I am not lookng for perfect matches but a replacement for a part damaged in an accident. I've seen people have to buy an entire set of weatherstripping because one part got damaged while installing it.

There are a lot of us who like to drive them every day if we can. The only reason I don't drive my 70 every day is because if somebody backs into it in a parking lot I can't replace just the damaged parts of the grill. I have to replace the whole grill or search for months to get used replacement parts.

I am not bashing anybodies business model. It apparently works because nobody sells seperate sets but what if that business model is wrong and everyone is blindly following it? I feel if you only cater to one part of the hobby (those who buy complete sets) you are loosing money that could be made from the others in the hobby. Some people buy a part at a time and save them up as they build a car. Others drive them and don't need to spend $1,600 in parts to repair $200 worth of damage.

Maybe I'm wrong but I see a need and nobody is filling it, where is capitalizm when you need it.