

Yep. And considering to scrap a different product that the public feels positive toward side tracks thing also.If you're driving that train and dangers ahead (asking the public for an opinion) don't keep throwing coal on the fire.

Just keep it to bare numbers, comparasions, simple and objective.

All of the speculation in the world can never overturn the reality of a completed outcome. I speak to Mike on a daily basis and we compare stories regarding the development and marketability of many new products. Plain and simple, Mike is the ONLY person qualified top give a factual synopsis concerning his product lines and what he has encountered while developing them. It is insulting to bombard him with hypotheticals that he has probably deliberated and thought about in his sleep. The topic was never about the pitfalls of the 70 grill. He originally asked about the demand for 1971 grills. Marketing research 101! If the market was so promising for the 70 items, common sense would tell us that he wouldn’t be considering destroying them. I hope Mike is able to accumulate the data he originally sought out concerning the demand for 1971 grills. I doubt that rehashing the pain that was involved with the 70 grills has much of an impact on whether there is a viable market for 1971 Cuda or Duster grills. It is a tough thing trying to determine the "actual" demand for a product in the restoration market. When ideas are initially presented as a plan or concept, everyone is enthusiastic and says, “I’ll take one !” When the time, effort and money is spent to bring these products to market, it is funny how the "actual" purchases never parallel with the commitments that were originally expressed. That is the manufacturers reality and risk!

Did I say something to bombard him with hypotheticals? Am I speculating? Quite the opposite was my intention.

I asked to keep the questions simple with some qualifications to find and understand real potentional buyers. And the company asking the question needs to stay focused and not bring up other subjects. Marketing Research 101.

I think the original question was a little too open ended and doesn't sort out real buyers. Would you agree?

IMHO, there's a big difference between, "I like to have a spare grille" and "My grille is in a 1000 pieces and my car is in the paint booth" Would you agree?