
Explain to the rest of us why you think that he should destroy those parts?


You seem to have a problem reading subject matter into things that are not there. Where did I ever say (or think) that Mike should destroy his parts? I live by the motto: Never criticize (second guess) another person until you walk a mile in their shoes. As I plainly stated in an earlier post, “Hey Mike, I am sure you have visited every nook and cranny in an attempt to figure out the direction you need to take in order for this scenario to work out. It is easy to second guess a situation looking from the outside in but I know that when you evaluate all the numbers and consider the facts regarding your product venture, you will come up with a viable solution.”

You might want to follow your own advice and “Please try and keep up”. The words in the posts are quite clear if you would simply stop trying to skew things to promote your opinion.

(Say hello to CMG)