
Wow thats a shock that your not doing so well with the grills. I think they are some great pieces. I think guys say they will buy the pieces but try to wait until either your prices come down or until they can afford it. I know a lot of guys who want to buy your stuff but want to wait until they get to that phase of their project. Its a super tough thing to sell everything as soon as its produced. I think you would be in the same boat folks saying they want them but not buying them right away. Im sure you know this but i just though i would throw the info out there.


P.S. IMO what I would do is ask the question like you have compile a list with names and contact info. Once you get enough interested in the project contact the customers on your list have a small deposit and start production. Then you have customers lined up plus anyone else who comes along and sees the quality at shows or from word of mouth