
"I have a hard time beleiving you can't come out ahead by discounting and offing the molded grilles instead of trying to recoup whatever money is in the regrind. "

Yeah no kidding. Sounds like "I'm going to crush this car if it doesn't sell" Epay tactics.



Plz don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming anyone for the soft sales of the grille but myself and if you knew me like others do you would know I pull no punches it is what it is. Keep in mine, any reproduction part is no more than a part number with an investment cost attached to it. Companies make decision to discontinue a product every day and clear off the shelves for new ones. Do you have any idea what the inventory tax burden that would be saved? Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on, that's business.

BTW, I would never crush a MOPAR nor threaten to.

Last edited by HEMICUDA; 11/20/08 12:04 PM.