


I have a hard time beleiving you can't come out ahead by discounting and offing the molded grilles instead of trying to recoup whatever money is in the regrind.

Point well taken. I have a serious question for you, what price do you think the 70 Cuda grille assemblies should be for them to move? Keep in mind, I can write off a loss, use the material for other parts and have more warehouse space for profitable product. All that adds up to value.

How fast did you think they were going to sell?
I for one had no idea there was a time limit set to purchase them.

I saw them at Carlisle and was impressed & actually planned to buy 1 even though I don't have a cuda at the moment.
But not until next year when I know I will have some cash freed up...
But if your going to offer stuff with a "6month window" b4 sending the parts to the grinder thats not going to happen.
Also have to say it kind knocked you off the pedestal I had you on for doing such a fine job on it in the 1st place.

Not everyone can cough up $1500 at the drop of a hat... I'd bet there are probably some folks saving up for them right now that won't be happy when they go to the shows next summer with cash in hand only to find out you ground them all up.

The 70 grills are killer...
Don't grind them just to take a Tax loss in 08 (you may need that more under the 09 Obama rates)

This post was not started with the intent to go where it is today. The situation the Cuda grilles are in right now are totally out of my control and it has nothing to do with sales, honestly, the sales are where I projected them to be based on the economy.

Because the public isn’t informed on all the information as it pertains to this specific part, it sounds like people are developing unwarranted opinions without having all the facts. Because of possible legal ramifications I can not say a whole lot, but I think I can say this. Anyone that knows me knows I’m into Cudas, I’ve been chomping at the bit for a long time to reproduce an over the top Cuda grille, problem was , it was a stretch for B/E & A Restoration Parts, Inc. to fund this project on it’s own. With all the other financial obligations to other parts, there wasn’t enough money in the budget.

Every part we have produced and that sits on the shelf is paid for, I refuse to owe anyone money. The whole grille project was possible because of a contractual partnership with a very large company that is now refusing delivery. The problem isn’t the sales volume for the grille, it’s the amount of volume that I had to pay for that is jamming me up a little. We have financed 100% of this project without any monies up front from the other company involved.

It’s not that I don’t think the grille will sell, problem is I have an enormous amount of inventory that has put a huge financial burden on our company. It isn’t my suppliers problem that I can’t make delivery of half of the production run, my obligation to them is to pay which I did in full. So for now, we are in a “tug of war” with a company that hasn’t honored their legal side of the contract.

I have worked in a big business environment for most of my adult life (ok, so the adult part is a stretch), I’m not going to get rattled and run around in a panic with my head cut off. The total volume run of the part wasn’t earmarked to sell in 6 months I knew that, nor do I think to many were made, my problem is the total volume B/E & A has here that is.

As for a “fire sale”? I wouldn’t count on it, I might entertain discounts on the grille to move the added volume we are carrying. Running around like a scalded cat isn’t going to happen.

I truly hope this clears up any misperception and negative attitudes that people might have because of this. I have a great passion for this hobby and for every customer (I really mean friend) that we have done business with.

This company isn’t going anywhere, I’m having way to much fun with everyone and I definitely don’t want to go back to the real job. Now get busy putting the wish list together, Christmas is right around the corner!

Michael C. Ross – Owner (when she’s not here)
B/E & A Restoration Parts, Inc.