
Ok, for all you guys who keep on the whole "why was a ford allowed to make a pass" thing. Josh already answered for one thing. For another, brand x cars are allowed in NSS. That was announced months ago. SO guess what? There were fords, chevys, and pontiacs making passes all weekend! Yet you guys want to focus on ONE pass that took less than 5 minutes start to finish like it hindered ANYTHING about the weekend. Y'all crack me up.

Dont see what the big issue is with other brands in NSS. NSCA/NMCA have been doing that forever. It improves car count. I love chrysler cars as much as anyone, but seeing a few cars from different makes isn't going to hurt anything. Isn't that what super stock racing used to be about? race on sunday sell on monday, Ford vs Mopar vs Chevy etc. If your racing a nostalgia class i don't remember Mopar only superstock racing back in the day.

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