
i didn't read all the replies and don't have a dog in the fight so to speak. i was kinda wishing i had brought my car up there and in hindsight should have. now i've been running chryslers all my life so i will say this. i respect pretty much anyone regardless of what they race and hate to see people do damage but it got to the point i turned to my friend and said i was embarrassed to be a mopar guy because of all the crap that was happening on the track. i didn't see as much of the racing as i could have because we were walking around and i spent a little time helping Gup get his engine back together. it was time well spent as he went on to win the 10.5 class

best i can tell the track workers earned every cent they were paid and then some. i don't know how many oil downs there were or how much time was spent cleaning/clearing the track but overall i'm inclined to think it was WAY too much.

Josh, didn't get to talk to you (met your brother) but PROPS to you guys for making this happen. it seems like there was a pretty good car count given the economy and i hope things work out so that you can continue to hold these events and even add to them.

people complaining should try just a little bit to grasp what it takes to pull off an event of this size and the fact that you simply can't control weather or the number of guys kicking out parts then driving down the middle of the track. no matter what you do someone is going to feel slighted. again i don't know how things were supposed to happen vs how they did.

i was just spectating so i didn't really follow events and how things unfolded. as for the handful of other brands personally i think it only adds to the program.

Would you please let me know next time you are posting so I don't have to. I'm a one finger typer and its tired now.

1970 Duster
Edelbrock headed 408
422 Indy headed small block
5.982@112.56 mph

Livin and lovin life one day at a time