WOW, I rarely have anything to say on here, But.... I am an aging Mopar guy in a rapidly changing brand X world. I have been to every Monster Mopar since the beginning in 1985 when I was 19 and as excited as a virgins first time just to be around so many cool cars and like minded people. I expected change when Gateway Raceway closed and ss promotions sold to you. I was optimistic for new young Mopar blood.
But for you to tell a super loyal Mopar guy to shove it up his a*s for complaining about Billy Glidden race his NEW Chassised Ford. and not simply following the published order for racing blows my mind! You are not our king (pun intended)we get to criticize, steer the ship if you will. You have a lot of blind loyalty on this site but dont forget the silent majority like myself, the little guys that dont come back. I didnt take vacation, bring my daughter and spend my hard earned money to watch a Ford race. I am a Glidden family fan, they are a class act! its not their weekend, its MINE! It is your responsibility to tell them respectfully, sorry you cant race at MMW.
I get this is a dying hobby but dont piss off your core fans. All I want you to know is none of this is personal Josh. But The st louis fans have seen it run better and it was not that long ago. It had growing pains and it evolved but you have to listen to the base and make it as fair as possible. Not every one will be happy I get that. But it has to be fiercely Mopar or No car and follow the published race class order no matter what.
I will see how the spring fling goes, and then determine my vacation schedule