Great explanation,Scott! There is no way in the world that a promotor can predict the weather in advance,take a guess at the number of oildowns that may occur or computer glitches. I am sure that it is a learning curve for Josh and his crew. As far as the Victory N/SS series,sure...It has some brand x cars but that is what brings excitement to it! I would rather watch that class anyday over a jet car. Furthermore...How many people were upset over the death of Monster Mopar? There were quite a few as I recall. Then a guy steps up to take over the series and all is hunky dorey in Mopar land again! I can't fathom the cost of doing an event this big,you need some really good sponsors and hope like hell you at least break even. Bottom line here is to give the event a chance. If you did not like it,don't go! And like Al said...Please no more personal attacks. Thanks and carry on!! Ted

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