
As a matter of fact I did not go for the free food as I thought as soon as I walked up to the PARTY area for food they would make the call for no-box to the lanes. Once the box/no-Box race was canceled the food was gone.

And I'm damn sure going to whine when a promoter cancels just a couple classes because the racetrack could become un-safe. The race should have continued in the advertised order until it became un-safe. The order got shuffled around 7PM when they called 2nd round NSS and extreme 10.5 to the lanes, which ran their 1st round after no-box. That tells me the promoter knew at 7PM he was going to cancel no-box and box, and waited until 10PM to inform us. And then raced for 3 more hours with a chosen few.

Mark. What class were you in??? NSS with a pontiac or a ford???? Or not even racing? Or in box and no-box and lost in the 1st round? Sure you would'nt whine because you either weren't racing or got to race.

If they canceled all the classes at 10PM I would have never whined a peep, but if I'm getting screwed, I'm going to squeel like a pig.

On Billy Glidden's pass, it only took a couple minutes and i enjoyed seeing it. Hell, maybe next MONSTER MOPAR WEEKEND they could get Cruz Pedregon to make a pass in his Toyota funny car.

Look buddy,No one set out to pi$$ All over your weekend when oil downs and weather are hitting you from every direction you have to make decisions on the fly to try to make the most people happy by trying to complete something.You can't have a "backup" plan in place for weather and oil downs because you don't know when and where they will happen.
Take some time calm down and think about it, give the guy a chance at the next show to show you how good it can be without mother nature sticking here nose in it,and hopefuly racers will get there heads out of there a$$es and put containment systems on there cars.

Hope to see you at Gateway stop in for a beer

Btw no one complained at Gateway this year It didn't rain some people complained about indy last year it rained like poring pi$$ out of a boot.
Its funny how weather can change someones outlook on the day.

God made cold beer,good friends,hot ladies and race cars don't spit in his face by pi$$ing and moaning about how life sucks!!!