As a matter of fact I did not go for the free food as I thought as soon as I walked up to the PARTY area for food they would make the call for no-box to the lanes. Once the box/no-Box race was canceled the food was gone.

And I'm damn sure going to whine when a promoter cancels just a couple classes because the racetrack could become un-safe. The race should have continued in the advertised order until it became un-safe. The order got shuffled around 7PM when they called 2nd round NSS and extreme 10.5 to the lanes, which ran their 1st round after no-box. That tells me the promoter knew at 7PM he was going to cancel no-box and box, and waited until 10PM to inform us. And then raced for 3 more hours with a chosen few.

Mark. What class were you in??? NSS with a pontiac or a ford???? Or not even racing? Or in box and no-box and lost in the 1st round? Sure you would'nt whine because you either weren't racing or got to race.

If they canceled all the classes at 10PM I would have never whined a peep, but if I'm getting screwed, I'm going to squeel like a pig.

On Billy Glidden's pass, it only took a couple minutes and i enjoyed seeing it. Hell, maybe next MONSTER MOPAR WEEKEND they could get Cruz Pedregon to make a pass in his Toyota funny car.