I am very sorry to see so many unhappy and obsessed with the way the race was run. The oil downs, rain, and cold temps significantly cut into the racing time on Friday - reducing everyone to 1 time run and cancelling the gamblers race.

It was unbelievable that one round of time runs could possibly take from 9:30 am till after 4:30pm, but that is what happened. The rain ended everything shortly there after.

Saturday was quite wet and cold, but the track crew worked their tail off to get it in top condition (starting at 5:30am).

Several car hooked harder than they normally do, and combined with the cool air making more power, the wheel stands were abundant. Some to the point of damaging parts on the fall back down. There were also rear ends and axles broken, and even one driveshaft shot out from under a car.

The Saturday program was to include the entire Victory Performance NSS race, the Q-32, 10.5 tire and 10.00 shootout, in addition to a box - no box race. Face it folks that is a LOT of racing to get in when the Victory class was 70 cars on its own. Everyone got two time run. (370+ cars), over 200 No Box cars got their first round in as well as 60 Box. We completed the 10.5 class and the 10.0 class, and got down to 5 NSS cars and it was nearing midnight. I can't imagine how much more time another round of box-no box would have added to the day. And to be honest, I felt the track was becoming too cold about 9pm.

Every Box/No Box first round winner got paid money. How is this any different from any other race that gets rained out/cancelled in the middle?

I guarantee the decision to cancel the Box/No Box was not made until yet another oil down at 10pm. I know this, as I was in the tower all day every, day of the event, watching how things happened. I am not the Promoter, nor the race director, just the track announcer. So I make no decisions, just tell everyone what I am told to say. And the cancel call was announced seconds after the choice was made.

Sunday was another "oil fest". What should have been a 8 hour program (9-5) went till 10pm.

All told in the three days there were somewhere near 17 hours of down time due to track clean-up, rain, and a small computer issue.

Despite LONG hours in the tower, I had a great time and even got out to see a few friends and racers. I really hope everyone realizes most of the problems with the event were uncontrollable and things had to be modified on the fly to keep the show going.

Thanks to all who attended, help, sponsored, or promoted what i feel is one of the best Mopar events in the country!
