
Mark, my friend...if your going too get involved as being a sponser for MMW you cant be so thin skinned. You need too be more receptive too the racers who are actually racing there. I keep seeing post by racers(the racers!) saying its a task for the promotors too put this show on....what about the racers saving all year too get there??? You need too be able too relate too people when your in the position that you, and Josh are in.Ill be the first too say whats up when you show up too race, and have a beer with you. So would all the other guys who voiced their opinion....its all good.

LOL, I probably have thicker skin than most. But I have been around both sides of the game for many years. I'm not brand new. I put up money for the Spring Fling also, and have an agreement with Josh to continue putting money up to help support the race... but this isn't my first go 'round with sponsoring. I would love to hang out and have a drink (you can have beer. I don't drink, but will gladly have a Pepsi with ya!). Like I said several times, I'm not taking anything personally, getting mad, having thin skin, or any of the above. I just call it like I see it, and I have learned over the years that promoters earn a TON more respect for standing their ground and standing behind their decisions than they do when they allow a few unhappy racers out of several hundred to make them change their whole way of doing things. You're not going to make everyone happy all the time... EVER. It is pointless to try. Judging by the success of Indy (in spite of the weather and cleanup delays) I don't see MMW doing anything but continuing to grow. If a few guys don't come because it isn't run exactly the way it was before Josh was running it, I can promise there will be several more that come and run it BECAUSE of the changes. Times change and everything evolves. You either adjust to the changes, or you bracket race at a local track or park your car in the garage. "Me me me" mentality doesn't get anything accomplished.