I think that the point was that Dan (original poster) was trying to make was that in some people eyes it was a Gamblers race that was a scheduled part of the event.
You can call it a "free race" but it used to be part of the event paid entry.

If I understand the facts correctly it was changed to an extra cost part of the event at last falls Indy MMW and the MMW Spring Fling at Gateway.

Like I said before, you can call it a free race but if it's on the schedule, serious racers who are used to it being part of the event and are there to try to win the $$$$ are gonna expect to be able to race it.

It's just a simple fact that people don't like when they have something and then it's taken away (or charged extra for).
Try taking benefits from an employee and see what happens.

I know that Dan was pissed Saturday night after he went to the tower to talk/complain about the way the race being canceled was handled.

He said that Josh told him "It was a free race" and turned and walked away from him.
That probably wasn't the best way for Josh to handle it.

As far as the Billy Glidden issue, it wasn't simply a problem of it being a Ford running.
If he was running a Ford in NSS I doubt it would have been brought up at all.
It simply didn't fit at MMW.

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol