Hey guys. Seems like she's commin' out....again! Machine shop / engine builder friend came by again tonight. Eliminated fuel question. I ran a line straight from a 5 gal can of 110 octane. Pulled all plugs again. Loosened all rockers 1 full turn. Looked in chambers with bore scope thru plug holes. Doesn't look good. Looks like something was in there. Small indentations, almost like grains of sand or very small ball bearings. All we could see was the marks on the pistons, never found anything difinitive. Put plugs back in. Crank, crank, crank....forever to get to start. Never has fired right up like it should from the start. We think whatever is/was in there is causing problems. So, I started taking it out. I can't tell you how depressed and frustrated I am with this! Oh well! Practice makes perfect..and I'm getting good. I'll let ya know what I find when she comes apart. Thanks again guys, you are the greatest! Take care, Jeff