Well,since you singled me out,I'll take the time to respond to you coment!

Pal,you need to cut out the crap.If you go back and read 99% of my posts over the 5+ years I have been on here you will find I don't go for this stuff.That is not what this forum is about.All I see is that you ask a question and didn't get the answers you expected.With your attitude,don't expect everyone to respond as you wish.You really need to think about what you are saying before you post.

As for my Superbird,no I do not drive around with my nose in the air.I drive the car I have owned for 26yrs on a regular basis.Its a car.You are also wrong on the "bad a$$ attitude remark".You don't know me so that is a moot point and a statement you are not qualified to make.If some here have ruffled your feathers,get over it.You brought most of it on yourself.Enjoy this forum for what it is,not what you want it to be.If that doesn't suit your taste,go somewhere else.

Now have a nice day,life's short.