Money no object.... I "might" consider taking it somewhere else, but reading the post from Mike, I'd send it back his way. Two things he has to gain: you being happy, and him showing MM customer service. I'm betting there will be very well documented data before it leaves there. I would have been ecstatic if that old small block mopar "guru" would have addressed my leaky ported W5 head after the second time it leaked when he "repaired" it. He77, I didn't even lay blame as I knew/heard all the prospective issues on those heads..... but suddenly I couldn't get ahold of him anymore and no calls ever returned. Hope you give them a shot.

....and when I sold 30 years of mopar crap to subsidize my R3/W8 build, I was very comfortable with putting it in hands that had previous experience with those pieces. I certainly wasn't there to reinvent the wheel.